This is a good offering of punk from Ashford’s punks High Society. This is their debut EP and sometimes when bands release their debuts well they’re rather crappy but this EP is definitely not crap! There are 5 tracks on this EP, tracks 1-4 being comical punk and track 5 well it will either amuse you or just piss you off. It is a few minutes of the band playing with a Furby that they got free with a McDonalds Happy Meal, and even if it does not amuse you, the band certainly found it amusing and had great fun making that track! Track 4 is entitled ‘Why Don’t We All Just Jump On The Ska Bandwagon?’ and rather mockingly contains a trumpet, so I take it that these lads aren’t too keen on the Ska Punk that’s going around at the moment. So here you have a 5 track punk CD that contains some strong vocals and also a lot of humour, not forgetting a track for all Ska haters. The band were going to splash out some money to get artwork done on the CD but in the end they decided to be very punk rawk and have written the name of the band and EP on the CD with marker pen.

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.