I really don’t think that I am the intended audience for this release to be honest – while listening to this I just couldn’t help thinking that it might not even be suitable for my parents. With its sentimental and somewhat cheesy lyrics you just can’t help but cringe for the majority of the CD.
The album is well written and Neil and Tim obviously are obviously very musically talented – I just don’t think that their intention was for the CD to fall into the hands of people like me. This album is definitely for more of a mature listener that can appreciate the sentimentality of the album and fully appreciate it.
This is certainly not a bad album and there are some positive aspects to come from it – they most certainly write some good, strong guitar music but I just don’t think that it’s for me. Their music just doesn’t do it for me and that’s a shame as I can tell that they do have a talent for what they do – I just can’t seem to appreciate it. The music that The Finn Brothers play is very mellow, chilled out, and relaxed – and would probably make great music to come home to after a hard day at work and sit down listening to it as you read through the paper.
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.