I was expecting to dislike this track, having seen the band play with Feeder the other month and finding them distinctively average. This single however is fairly solid and to an extent does enough to please me. It doesn’t entirely change my opinion of the band as I still feel that they are fairly average, however alongside most of the stuff out there at the minute, this song is fairly good. It has some funky bass lines, and I think that this is what I liked most about this single.
The track is only 3 minutes long, however seems to drag on after about 2 minutes because of it’s slow pace and little in the way of keeping you amused. Don’t get me wrong – the first few minutes of listening to this song are great; it just gets a bit tiresome after that. With every listen I seem to think less and less of this track, so have done the track a favour and listened to it a fairly minimal amount of times (4 or 5.)
This is a track only really suitable for die hard Departure fans. I feel that anyone not too keen on the band will probably not have their opinion changed by this one. I feel that they sound a lot better on CD than they did at Brixton Academy, but then again when they played at Brixton the almighty Thee Unstrung had just played a blinder, so it was going to take a lot to live up to what they had come up with I guess.
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.