With an image printed on to the CD of a birds eye view of a cup of tea and saucer, it took me a while to understand why this was so. Of course, the chorus contains the throwaway line of ‘I’ve got a family, and I drink cups of tea’, so that’s where they got this ingenious idea from. Lousy CD picture aside, the single itself is entirely detestable. The lyrics are laughable, the vocals thoroughly irritating, and the tune not remotely likeable. A cringe worthy continuation of last single ‘Foundations’ ridiculous rhyming of ‘Bitter’ and ‘Fitter’, the couplet of ‘Family’ and ‘Tea’ has to be heard to be believed. Her immaculate use of rhyme and strong grasp of the English language is perhaps on a par with that of William Blake in his ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’, Or maybe her writings more akin to the meaningless ramblings of Mr Blobby in his 1993 Christmas Number One?
It is not often that an artist will irritate me to such a massive extent, however Kate Nash is without a doubt the most irritating singer songwriter this country has ever produced, and lets face it; there’s a hell of a lot of competition for this accolade.
Label: Fiction Records
Release Date: 1st October 2007
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.