Last time I reviewed Elliot Minor I referred to them as McFly’s ‘boring little brother’. For this; I apologise. Elliot Minor sound far more like Busted than McFly, but that’s beside the point and I like Busted anyway. What I’m trying to say here is that I’ve changed my mind about Elliot Minor, I’m still not a fan of the track ‘Jessica’, but their latest release ‘Still Figuring Out’ has actually really impressed me. I like the way the band combine almost classical elements with what I would describe to be Pop Punk, it works fantastically well and their sound comes across magnificently here I feel.
At three minutes in length, the track is just right and is a perfect example of how music of this sort should sound. Backed with some powerful rock guitars, the vocals of Elliot Minor come blasting through and truly do provide a treat of aural excellence. ‘Still Figuring Out’ is an incredibly catchy track, one that will no doubt get lodged in your mind for months to come. Everything about ‘Still Figuring Out’ just seems to work, all elements of the music fit together perfectly to provide for one of my favourite tracks in a long while. It is no wonder that this track launched straight to Number 17 in the charts, it really is quite extraordinarily catchy and is a fantastic track to listen to.
With the sound that the band are creating, I feel that they will never be too popular in the Rock world, however having said that I would love for the band to prove me wrong. I recently read in an interview that Elliot Minor wish to be perceived as a Rock band and not as a Pop band, dismissing any claims that they are in any way ‘manufactured’. Obviously they do have strong elements of Rock in their sound I feel, however the production of the music is perhaps a little too squeaky clean for the majority of Rock fans out there. I wish Elliot Minor well, and personally can’t wait to hear their album when it is released upon the world reportedly in May.
Label: Repossession Records
Release Date: 28th January 2008
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.