With its swirling synth sounds and softly spoken vocal approach, ‘Call Me Up‘ is an interesting mix of electro rock and indie pop that should win this Manchester based band a good number of new fans. There’s an impressive chorus to the track and a strong sense of pop sensibilities on display throughout, a gentle sound with just enough instrumental edge to properly draw you in.
Lead vocalist Chris Niebel’s voice is probably the most striking element of the music, an incredibly clean vocal sound that’s silky smooth in its approach. Instrumentally a fairly minimal approach is taken for the most part, there’s always a swelling underbelly to the track though and the distorted guitar sound and powerful drumming that’s introduced towards the end adds a bit of rock rawness to the music that definitely doesn’t do the track any harm.
With the sound that they have, Love For Zero should have a pretty broad appeal and it’ll therefore be interesting to see what the future holds for the band as they clearly have a good amount of talent for their craft and a strong vision for the exact sort of sound that they wish to create. It’ll be great to hear a studio album from Love For Zero to hear what they’re capable of with a full release, in the meantime ‘Call Me Up‘ is a quality single from the band though and well worth listening to for a fine dose of indie and rock edged electro-pop music.
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.