My Chemical Romance will release their greatest hits album ‘May Death Never Stop You‘ next week, complete with several previously unreleased demo tracks and the last track that the band ever recorded together in the studio, ‘Fake Your Death‘. Whilst on the face of it the title of the track may seem like the band are trying to send a message that they’re not really gone, it’s also equally plausible that this truly is the last track that My Chemical Romance will ever record together in the studio, but that it’s still an apt title as they’ll still live on in the hearts and memories of their fans and all those that they reached out to and inspired throughout their career.
With its simple yet beautiful piano introduction, the sombre tone for ‘Fake Your Death‘ is set, and the opening lyrical line “Some people watch, some people pray, but even lights can fade away” further enhances the sense of sadness that encapsulates the track. There’s a genuine pain in Gerard Way’s voice as he repeats the line “Just look at all that pain”, a heartfelt ache that can be heard in a lot of Gerard Way’s vocals yet that feels all the more poignant here given the track’s significance. ‘Fake Your Death‘ feels every bit the goodbye that it is, a pure and heartfelt offering from a band that will seemingly never record together again, one final musical moment for fans to feast their ears upon and savour. It’s not one of the band’s more lively offerings, but then it wouldn’t really feel right if it was; ‘Fake Your Death‘ feels like a track that could be played at a funeral, and given that it’s one that marks the death of My Chemical Romance it is therefore very appropriate that this is the case.
If ‘Fake Your Death‘ is to be the last ever track that My Chemical Romance record together in the studio then it can definitely be seen as a powerfully emotional one for them to bow out on. Some fans may have hoped for something slightly more lively with the band’s final effort, something with a little more grit and perhaps not so melancholy, ‘Fake Your Death‘ is certainly an impressive single from My Chemical Romance though, a good track for them to go out on that feels suitably sombre to mark the final chapter in the My Chemical Romance story.

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.