Having formed a strong identity as a powerful UK pop-punk band with their first three albums, You Me at Six now seem to be turning in a more arena rock direction, softening their sound and seeking to gain a wider appeal in the process. ‘Cold Night‘ is the latest single from the band, and with an intro not too dissimilar to that of ‘Pretty Little Girl‘ from blink-182’s ‘Dogs Eating Dogs‘ EP, ‘Cold Night‘ could potentially have grown into something more, built up to a huge chorus that we’ve come to associate You Me At Six over the years, unfortunately though this just never happens.
Whilst You Me At Six have explored mellower territory before and been hugely successful with it in the past, ‘Cold Night‘ is a track that feels distinctly flat and lacking in personality. There’s little to really grab on to with ‘Cold Night‘, instrumentally there’s some pretty interesting stuff going on, the vocals lack punch though and this is what really holds the single back overall. With You Me At Six’s biggest sounding singles Josh Franceschi’s vocals are always at the very heart of the track, driving through the music and hitting hard with a huge dose of passion and charisma; ‘Cold Night‘ lacks the vocal power to really hold the single together, it feels feeble and lacks the passion and personality that has always surrounded the band’s music.
‘Cold Night‘ is still recognisably You Me At Six, the heart has been cut out of the band’s sound though and what we are therefore left with is an empty shell of what the band once was. ‘Cold Night‘ feels familiar, but just doesn’t seem quite right.
UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.