Clocking in at just over 2 minutes in length; Quarantine is incredibly short, straight to the point, and basically just a very nostalgic offering of 90s inspired skate punk.
Right from the start it instrumentally sounds to me like a cross between The Offspring and Pennywise, and in fact; if you played me the intro and told me that it was a previously unreleased Smash B-side? I probably wouldn’t question it for a second.
It’s pretty catchy, but it’s also very of the moment. Unlike Bring Me The Horizon’s Parasite Eve, which whilst also about the current chaotic times we’re living through, will have plenty of life beyond 2020 in my opinion; Quarantine is a track that I can’t really see most people listening to beyond the pandemic.
Thematically it’s very 2020, stylistically it’s extremely 1990s, and all in all; it’s maybe just a little bit too niche, definitely doesn’t reinvent the wheel, and probably isn’t a track that will have any real huge amount of long-term appeal.
Right now though? Definitely give Quarantine a listen if you’re a big fan of blink-182 or that 90s Epitaph/Fat Wreck sound. Enjoy it for what it is and have fun listening to this 2 minute blast of nostalgic skate punk fun.

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.