If you never knew that you needed to hear Busted working together with Neck Deep? You’re definitely not alone. That’s exactly what’s happened here with Meet You There 2.0 though, and the end result is truly magnificent.
Taking a song originally so acoustic and mellow, Busted have completely rearranged and put a whole new spin on this soon to be 20 year old ballad, with a drumbeat that hits incredibly hard, a fantastically well put together bassline, and Charlie Simpson’s vocals combining absolutely beautifully with those of Neck Deep’s Ben Barlow.
It’s well composed, builds extremely well, and although it took a few listens for me to really fully get this new take on Meet You There as it is just so different in tone to the original; as a huge fan of Neck Deep that also absolutely loved the original A Present For Everyone version, this new take on the track definitely does the original justice, whetting the appetite perfectly for the further new music to come from the band.
With Loser Kid 2.0 already out there and Meet You There 2.0 now having followed; the signs are certainly looking strong that Busted’s 20th anniversary will be celebrated in style, and it’ll be very interesting to see what song they select to reimagine next.
You can check out the official lyric video for Meet You There 2.0 below:

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.