One thing you definitely can’t accuse Bring Me The Horizon of is remaining static with their sound. Throughout the years this is a band that has constantly been reinventing itself, melding different genres and shifting their approach.
This is definitely something that remains true with LosT, with its hyper-pop tinges and heavy leaning towards pop punk, LosT also comes complete with a breakdown thrown in for good measure, taking you on a chaotic journey that at times runs the risk of sounding slightly… Lost.
There’s a lot to unpack with this one, a cacophony of sound that takes time to adjust to and work out where you stand. For me, however, after multiple listens I finally found that I was really enjoying what the band had put together here, appreciating the absolute bricolage of sounds.
As someone that loved 2020s Post Human: Survival Horror, LosT feels like a very natural progression from that, and should sit well alongside Die4U and Strangers on the next album. Die4U also had some strong hints of pop punk, so it’ll also be very interesting to hear how fully they explore that sound with the next release.
Love it or hate it, LosT is definitely doing things differently and Bring Me The Horizon continues to keep pushing boundaries. It’s energetic, it’s fun, it’s a little bit crazy, and on a personal level I’m definitely finding great enjoyment in it.

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.