Pokémon TV is officially now back, enabling you to watch full episodes of the Pokémon anime series right now, completely for free, over on YouTube.
They’re starting out from the beginning, uploading episodes from the initial Indigo League series (the first episode of which, Pokémon, I Choose You!, can be found embedded above), and presumably, in time, they’ll be working right up to the present day and providing a definitive destination online for you to seek out the entire series.
Things started out a little bit strangely, with the first episode uploaded being Season 1 Episode 5, Showdown in Pewter City, things seem to have switched to a chronological order now, however, and presumably that’s the way that things will remain moving forwards.
What’s your favourite ever season of the Pokémon anime series?

UK based film graduate with a huge passion for music, sports and video games.